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Sex Toys Inshoe Jou- Original hentai Ropes & Ties

Hentai: Inshoe Jou

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Many insects around the forest were suffering mutations due to meteorite that had crashed in the forest, this meteorite contained some alien parasites that depended on other species to survive, they have been slaving planets for decades to survive, first they come out of the meteorite and infect the animals around them, preferably small cause they’re easier to control, they let the animal eat them and once inside they travel to the animal’s brain and attach themselves to it and start giving instructions to the body, eventually the animal becomes a slave of the parasite and succumbs to it losing any kind of power to control its body , Once the worm had finished milking Sebastian, it stored his cum inside of it and left the boy alone, Little did she know that nearby was located the meteorite and the parasite had already infected plenty of insects and fungi around the area where she was, it was common for the locals to eat fungi in the forest, the woman was quite weary and hungry after a couple of hours of collecting logs, she picked up a small fungi to eat it, now she was infected with the alien parasite which was making its way to the brain,

The woman started getting dizzy and couldn’t control his body, in just matter of seconds, the parasite had already extended its long tendrils around the brain taking possession of the host

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